Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Spring can not come soon enough. That is all I have to say.
Ok, maybe a little more. We were lucky this week when the "blizzard" that was supposed to arrive ended up being simply cold weather and a bit of snow with hardly any accumulation. The flowers that have started to come up in our front yard have not known what to think. Our grass even needs to be mowed already. Now we just need some consistently warmer temperatures to go with it.
I love spring. It doesn't get enough credit from me, I think. I mostly really like fall because of the changing leaves, crisp air, etc, and that it is a prelude to the holidays. Spring is a prelude to summer, which I don't care for at all. But for those few weeks in late April through May, things can be quite nice.
This spring, we have much to be happy about and new things are going on all around. With Easter being only a few more days away, we decided to try and color eggs with Caleb and his cousin, Maesa.

This was actually not as much fun as I expected, probably because, when you are 2 years old, you are more interested in sticking your hands in the colored vinegar/mixture and eating the Rice Krispie bar shaped eggs that grandma made. The "fun" is really only what your mom and grandma think it should be. Such a time it was: we had the colors, eggs, stickers, the whole Paas kit laid out, but sometimes the fun comes when the kids are just a little older. Although, my niece, who is almost 4, did a great job with the coloring and the finished product turned out pretty great.

Caleb and I did enjoy one of our new Easter traditions, which is making Smeeps. We had the much simpler version where we heated the Peep in the microwave instead of delicately browning it over open flame as some would suggest, but it really did taste delicious. Since we are big fans of Peeps around here, this was a tasty new way to eat them. And the look on Caleb's face when I sandwiched it all together was pretty funny. Oh, and he enjoyed eating them as well.

There is one more thing that we are happy about that is new these days: our social worker will be coming for a visit for our homestudy next week. We will have two visits, and then we will be done! The part that I didn't say before all of this was that the reason we are doing a homestudy is because we are processing a 2nd adoption. After a year of being home from China, our family is "expecting" again. We hope to go back to China and go through the same program as we did for Caleb. Actually, we'll just have to see how that goes because in the adoption world, planning anything can actually be quite a downfall (see previous posts from about 18 months ago). Anyway, we are looking forward to a possible new brother or sister for our guy in the (relatively) near future. I'll keep posting as our process moves along.
Happy spring!

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