Wednesday, January 7, 2009


After spending nearly 10 months together (already!) we had a milestone within our family yesterday: we went to court and officially adopted Caleb. It's final! In our hearts and minds and, according to the Peoples Republic of China, he is already a member of our family. But the state of Nebraska requires a 6 month waiting period before a legal adoption takes place. We started preparing for this in September, but after processing paperwork and trying to get a court date around the holidays, we were able to do it yesterday. Our friend Karen graciously represented us as our attorney. We were sort of expecting something relatively laid back, but I was a little intimidated being in the courtroom before a judge on a bench, who was actually a little stern. I think it was more of an act, like he really had a sense of humor under it all (he even joked with my parents, who also attended), but I was too nervous the appreciate the humor. But we got through it and we are so happy to be finalized!
We had a great holiday season, very busy with all kinds of things. We held our annual New Year's Eve party here with several friends that we don't always get to see throughout the year, so it was nice to celebrate with them.
Our 2009 is getting off to a great start! Happy New Year!

Our little guy getting ready for his big day.

Caleb and Mommy before we leave for the courthouse. Many early pictures of Caleb have him simply staring into the camera, without a smile. Despite our attempts to say "cheese!" or "smile!" he would never do it. One day, it occurred to me that maybe he didn't know what "smile" meant, so I showed him. Now he understands a little more what to do when the camera is ready.

Right after the court proceeding has finished. We only took one picture, and I decided to close my eyes at the precise moment.

Our happy family


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