Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ellie Update!

Well, I'm so excited because today we heard from our agency and were sent a little updated information about Ellie! It was such a nice surprise!

We had sent a care package to her foster family in August. I must admit, I wanted her to have a few things from us, but I also hoped we would get some updates by doing this as well. In the past, we had sent gifts to both boys before their adoptions. In both cases, they arrived on adoption day with one or two of the items we had sent. For Asher, it was the photo album of our family that we gave him so he might have a betteridea of who we are. Caleb arrived with both his photo album and the stuffed beagle we sent to slightly prepare him for Owen (although no one can truly be prepared for Owen....)

Anyway, we followed suit and sent Ellie a care package about a month ago with a stuffed puppy, some socks, a photo album and some chocolates for her foster family. We also sent a disposable camera in case they were inclined to take some pictures of her between now and the day that we meet. We were pleasantly surprised tofind that today they sent an update about how she is doing, saying that they received the package. She has been with the same foster family for over a year, and they have a son and a daughter who live there. I'm so thankful for this...I just can't say. Although I don't know exactly how great the foster family is, she is probably "getting" the idea of family a lot more in this way than by living in an orphanage, we hope.

She has also been saying some words, and has been healthy. They gave us updated measurements, which I had to plot out on the growth chart on my own to see where she was...but it wasn't too bad...18% for her weight.....which is way better than either of our skinny little boys when they first arrived!

I'm so excited to see what she looks like. They only sent one new picture, but it is like gold to me....such a sweet face and little smile. I wonder how she is doing, about her hearing and where she is at on that spectrum. I hope she is happy. I can't wait to see her in person!


Sugar Momma September 21, 2011 at 7:42 PM  

Oh Meg she is beyond precious!!! Exciting! :)

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